Saturday, 18 June 2016

Poets, Writers & Artists On The Somme - 1916: Available Now!

POETS, WRITERS & ARTISTS ON THE SOMME - 1916:  A Centenary Collection Compiled By Lucy London

Includes brief biographies and examples of work by poets and writers who were:

Killed on the First Day of the  Battle of the Somme 1st July 1916
Wounded 1st July 1916
Killed Later In July 1916
Wounded Later In July 1916
Killed in August 1916
Wounded In August 1916
Killed In September 1916
Killed In October 1916
Killed In November 1916
Killed In December 1916
Involved In The Battle of the Somme in 1916
Killed On The Somme But Before The Somme Offensive
Wounded On The Somme In 1916 Before The Start of The Somme Offensive
Also Present On The Somme At Some Stage During WW1

ISBN 978-1-909643-24-6
136 pages with black and white photographs
perfect bound paperback

Selling price £10.00

Now available exclusively via Amazon.  CLICK HERE FOR ORDER LINK